It is not rocket science to start any business and move forward successfully with the easy and cheap resources available due to the internet nowadays. It would help if you discriminated with the assistance you render toward people. Keep encouraging you to learn, and learn new ways of doing business.
The simple principle of doing business is to make something yourself or take it somewhere, then add it to your profit and sell it to others. You can quickly start any business with this essential process in mind. Otherwise, you will get entangled in making big business plans.
It is not rocket science to start any business and move forward successfully with the easy and cheap resources available due to the internet nowadays. You have to be more discriminating with the help you render toward other people. Keep encouraging you to learn, and learn new ways of doing business. In this regard, today, I will give you a brief overview of doing business through WhatsApp and Facebook.
1. First and foremost, choose a business that suits your current needs and preferences. Remember that you have to look at your choice and the market trend of what, how, and why people want to buy.
2. Then name it according to the business and think about the stock; where to get it? From wholesaler, direct factory, or self manufacture. If you do not currently have the funds to purchase the goods, you can use the dropshipping business model.
3. Make nice pictures and short videos of all your products. Also, please write a brief description of all of them.
4. Now, create an online shop page on Facebook and take turns adding all the products to it in the form of a post. Remember not to include all in one day, but to take a day or two apart. Join different business Facebook groups to market this post or use the Facebook "Post Boost" option
5. There is also the option to create a shop on the same Facebook page to put all the items. You can set this once. Whenever people visit your Facebook page, they will see the shop initially, which makes it easy. It looks good with price, detail, and sale price.
6. Download "WhatsApp Business" from your mobile Play Store. Go to its settings and set your business name, logo, description, address, etc. It also has a shop option like Facebook. Make it mandatory and complete.
7. Keep your business's exact details on the Facebook page and WhatsApp, not that the name and logo on Facebook is someone else's while someone else's on WhatsApp. Facebook page on every post of WhatsApp and WhatsApp number in every Facebook page post must be mentioned.
8. Save the number of all acquaintances and new clients on the phone. Then put your product on WhatsApp status so everyone can see it. You can also create a group on WhatsApp, but remember not to add it to the group yourself without asking for someone's consent, which does not make such a good impression. Invite them with an introductory message and group link.
So this is the basic knowledge of starting a business through WhatsApp and Facebook. You must watch more videos on YouTube in this regard, and then get started. When it comes to online business, there are two things to keep in mind when learning and implementing something new, and the second is to work patiently. It's not like you have to stop learning and leave the business if you don't get an order quickly. An online business takes time, but perseverance makes it very successful.